Tuesday, February 15, 2011

some bullshit

this entry is not going to be about a conspiracy like usual its going to be about a bullshit encounter with law enforcement i had this weekend i recently went to see my wonderful girlfriend and one of my friends from florida in a hotel in quakertown PA and my gf is 17 im 18 friend is 20 his gf is 17 and somehow people couldnt get ahold of one of them and friends gf's mom ended up calling the police to come to the hotel and get the two girls wich is fine and dandy so they arrive and take all our information no big deal im not trying to hide anything so they ask if they can search the room wich once again im not hideing anything so no worrys i tell them they can search away. so one of the officers goes to his patrol car to run our information and comes back in and tells me to stand up and put my head and hands on the wall and proceeds to go trough the motions of putting me into custody while informing me i have a warrent for my arrest and i asked if he had all my information correct wondering what the hell is going on so it turns out my court case in FLA wich was resolved and the docket closed on nov 9th 2010 STILL 4 MONTHS later have not canceled the warrent the put on me for lack of commnication between me and the court system so i was in custody for about 30min freezeing in the back of a patrol car....i was eventully released not b/c they found out my case was resolved...but b/c the warrent says to only expedite if in FLA and due to the fact i had  warrent from a drug charge they brought a k-9 unit into my hotel wich is totally embarssing and of course my gf had to watch me be placed into custody on a warrent i told her was long gone it was hard for more than just me and it almost landed me in jail......WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG HERE? the courts have NOTHING together and are a mess and next to useless.....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

plum island

id like to spend some time on something alot of people dont even know about rather than a major conspiracy its a little place about 70 sum miles off of long island new York about 120 miles from the mainland and its home to a government research facility thats been around since about 1954 its a typical cold war scenario WWII was over the fall of the Nazi empire blah blah blah well mother Russia and good ol U S of A were scooping up and many Nazi assets as they could get their hands on one such person was Erich Traub a nazi scientist whos MO was bio warfare and we packed him up shipped him over here and let him run wild he was very well known as the godfather of foot and mouth disease witch is a plague most commonly known to cows but can also be spread to humans with symptoms such as malaise, fever, vomiting, red ulcerative lesions (surface-eroding damaged spots) of the oral tissues, and sometimes vesicular lesions (small blisters) of the skin  sound fun? i didnt think so later on in postwar america the plum island research center was supposedly turned over to USDA for animal research testing on cattle disease how ever there have been someintresting things happening on that island that suggests that they are still conducting bio wepons research such as the mutilated bodys of various animals washing up on long island beaches ive included a few photos on actual shit that has washed up above as u will notice  and plz does any one mind telling WHAT THE FUCK THT SHIT IS? im not animals right guy but do u rly think our goverment shuld be doing this? and what happens what they move onto humans? what happens when they have a spill and we look like this? its your call people......