Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A new way of doing things

Do we on earth have enough resources and technological understanding to create a
society of such abundance, that everything we have now could be available without a
price tag and without the need for submission through employment?
Yes, we do!
We have the resources and technology to enable this at a minimum, along with the
ability to raise the standard of living so high that people in the future will look back at
our civilization now and gawk how primitive and immature our society was.

The society, that we're about to talk about, is a society that is free of all the old
superstitions, incarceration, prisons, police, cruelty and law. All laws will disappear and
the professions will disappear, that are no longer valid, such as stockbrokers, bankers,
advertising... Gone! Forever!
Because it's no longer relevant.

A resource based economy

Alternative energy solutions pushed by the establishment, such as hydrogen, biomass
and even nuclear are highly insufficient, dangerous and exist only to perpetuate the
profit-structure that industry has created.
When we look beyond the propaganda and self-serving solutions put forth by the energy
companies we find a seemingly endless stream of clean abundant and renewable energy
for generating power.

Solar energy derived from the sun has such abundance that one hour of light at high
noon contains more energy than what the entire world consumes in a year. If we could
capture one hundredth of a percent (.01%) of this energy the world would never have to
use oil, gas or anything else.

The question it is not availability but the technology to harness it and there are many
advanced mediums today which could accomplish just that. If they were not hindered by
the need to compete for market share with the established energy power structures

Then there's wind energy. Wind energy has long been denounced as weak, and due to
being location driven, impractical. This is simply not true. The US department of energy
admitted in 2007 that if wind was fully harvested in just three of Americas 50 states it
could power the entire nation.

And there are the rather unknown mediums of tidal and wave power

Tidal power is derived from tidal shifts in the ocean. Installing turbines which capture
this movement generates energy. In the United Kingdom 42 sites are currently noted as
available. Forecasting that 34% of all the UK's energy could come from tidal power

Wave power, which extracts energy from the surface motions of the oceans is estimated
to have a global potential of up to 80.000 terawatt-hours a year. This means 50% of the
entire planets energy usage could be produced from this medium alone

Now, it is important to point out that tidal, wave, solar and wind power requires virtually
no preliminary energy to harness, unlike coal, oil, gas, biomass, hydrogen and all the
others in combination these four mediums alone, if efficiently harnessed through
technology, could power the world forever.
That being said, there happens to be another form of clean renewable energy, which
trumps them all.
Geothermal power

Geothermal energy utilizes, what is called "heat mining", which, through a simple
process using water, is able to generate massive amounts of clean energy. In 2006 an
MIT report on geothermal energy found that 13.000 zetajule of power are currently
available in the earth with the possibility of 2.000 ZJ being easily tapable with improved
technology. The total energy consumption of all the countries on the planet is about half
of a zetajule a Year. This means about 4000 years of planetary power could be
harnessed in this medium alone. And when we understand that the earth's heat
generation is constantly renewed, this energy is really limitless. It could be used forever

And what about transportation?

In the case of the automobile, the battery technology needed to power an electric car
that can go over a hundred miles an hour for over two hundred miles on one charge
exists, and has existed for many years. However, due to battery patents controlled by
the oil industry, which limits their ability to maintain market share coupled with political
pressure from the energy industry; the accessibility and affordability of this technology is

There is absolutely no reason, other than pure corrupt profit interest, that every single
vehicle in the world cannot be electric and utterly clean with zero need for gasoline.

As far as airplanes, it is time we realized that this means of travel is inefficient,
cumbersome, slow, and causes far too much pollution

This is a mag-lev train. It uses magnets for propulsion. It is fully suspended by a
magnetic field and requires less than 2% of the energy used for plane travel. The train
has no wheels, so nothing can wear out. The current maximum speed, of versions of this
technology as used in Japan, is 361 miles per hour. However, this version of the
technology is very dated.

An organization called ET3,has
established a two base mag-lev that can travel up to 4,000 miles per hour in a
motionless, frictionless tube, which can go over land or under water. Imagine going from
L.A. to New York for an extended lunch break, or from Washington D.C. to Beijing China
in 2 hours. This is the future of continental and intercontinental travel. Fast, clean, with
only a fraction of the energy useage we use today for the same means.


"Now America is inclined towards fascism. It has a propensity by it's dominant
philosophy and religion to uphold the fascist point of view. American industry is
essentially a fascist institution. If you don't understand that... the minute you punch that
time clock, you walk into a dictatorship

In a high-technology resource based economy, it is conservative to say that about 90%
of all current occupations could be phased out by machines. Freeing humans to live their
lives without servitude. For this is the point of technology itself. And through time, with
nano-technology and other highly advanced forms of science it is not far fetched to see
how even complex medical procedures could be performed by machines as well. And
based on the pattern, with much higher success rates than humans get today.

We have machines that clean out sewer, it frees a human being from doing that. So
look at machines as extensions of human performance.

Furthermore, many occupations today will have simply no basis to exist in a resource
based economy. Such as anything associated with the management of money,
advertising, along with the legal system itself. For, without money, a great majority of
the crimes that are committed today would never occur.
Virtually all forms of crime are a consequence of the monetary system either directly or
by neurosis inflicted through financial deprivation. Therefore, laws themselves could
eventually become extinct.

Instead of putting up a sign 'Drive carefully. Slippery when wet' put abrasive in the
highway so it is not slippery when wet. And if a person gets in a car and they're drunk
and the car oscillates a great deal, there is a little pendulum that swings up and back
and that will pull the car over to the side... not a law, a solution. Put sonar and radar on
automobiles so they can't hit one another.
Man made laws are an attempts to deal with recurring problems and not knowing how to
solve them they make a law

The legal and prison systems are just more examples of how our society avoids
examining the root causes of behavior. Billions are spent each year on prisons and
police, while only a fraction is spent on programs for poverty, which is one of the most
fundamental variables responsible for crime to begin with.
And as long as we have an economic system which prefers and in fact creates scarcity
and deprivation, crime will never go away.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

the motherload.

i know its been awhile since my last update but ive been researching and finding all kinds of new goodies to share...and here they are..i officially renounce the word economy and i officially renounce the system its self here is why .,,,,,,

In a world where 1% of the population owns 40% of the planets wealth. In a world
where 34.000 children die every single day from poverty and preventable diseases, and,
where 50% of the world's population lives on less than 2 dollars a day... One thing is
clear. Something is very wrong. And, whether we are aware of it or not, the lifeblood of
all of our established institutions, and thus society itself, is money

Therefore, understanding this institution of monetary policy is critical to understanding
why our lives are the way they are. Unfortunately, economics is often viewed with
confusion and boredom. Endless streams of financial jargon, coupled with intimidating
mathematics, quickly deters people from attempts at understanding it. However, the fact
is: The complexity associated with the financial system is a mere mask. Designed to
conceal one of the most socially paralyzing structures, humanity has ever endured.

only three percent of US money supply exists in physical currency.
The other 97 percent essentially exists in computers alone

average mathematical result is that about 90 billion dollars can be created on top of
the original 10 billion. In other words: For every deposit that ever occurs in the banking
system, about nine times that amount can be created out of thin air.

One dollar in 1913 required $21.60 in 2007 to match value. That is a 96 percent
devaluation since the Federal Reserve came into existence.

the only way the money can come in to
existence is from loans. Therefore, if everyone in the country were able to pay off all
debts including the government, there would not be one dollar in circulation.

As disfunctional and backwards as all of this might seem there is still one thing we have
omitted from this equation. And it is this element of the structure which reveals the truly
fraudulent nature of the system itself. The application of interest.

When the government borrows money from the FED or when a person borrows money
from a bank it almost always has to be payed back with accrued interest. In other
words: Almost every single Dollar that exists must be eventually returned to a bank with
interest payed as well. But, if all money is borrowed from the Central Bank and is
expanded by commercial banks through loans only what would be refered to as the
"principal" is been created in the money supply. So then, where is the money to cover all
of the interest that is charged? Nowhere. It doesn't exist

An analogy would be a game of musical chairs: For the once music stops, somebody is
left out to dry. And that is the point. It invariably transfers true wealth for the individual
to the banks. For, if you are unable to pay for your mortgage, they will take your
property. This is particularly enraging when you realize, that not only is such a default
inevitable due to the fractional reserve practice, but also because of the fact that the
money, that the bank loaned to you didn't even legally exist in the first place.

In 1969 there was a Minnesota court case involving a man named Jerome Daly, who was
challenging the foreclosure of his home by the bank, which provided the loan to
purchase it. His argument was that the mortgage contract required both parties, being
he and the bank, each put up a legitimate form of property for the exchange. In legal
language this is called consideration Mr Daly explained that the money was in fact not the property of the bank, for it was
created out of nothing as soon as the loan agreement was signed As the court case progressed, the bank's president Mr. Morgan took the stand. And in
the judge's personal memorandum he recalled that "the Plaintiff (banks president)
admitted that in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank did create the money and
credits upon its books by bookkeeping entry. The money and credit first came into
existence when they created it. Mr Morgan admitted that no US Law or Statute existed
which gave him the right to do this. A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to
support the Note. The Jury found that there was no lawful consideration and I agree And upon this
revelation the court rejected the bank's claim for foreclosure and Daly
kept his home.

Physical slavery requires people to be housed and fed. Economic slavery requires people
to feed an house themselves. It is one of the most ingenious scams for social
manipulations ever created, and at it's core it is an invisible war against the population.
Debt is the weapon use to conquer and enslave societies, and interest is it's prime

This process of manipulation by the Corporatocracy through the use of debt, bribery and
political overthrow is called: Globalisation

It is important to understand: the World Bank is, in fact, a U.S. bank, supporting U.S.
interests. For the United States holds veto-power over decisions, as it is the largest
provider of capital. And where did it get this money? You guessed it: it made it out of
thin air through the fractional reserve banking system.

Of the world's top 100 economies, as based on annual GDP, 51 are corporations. And 47
of that 51 are U.S. based. Walmart, General Motors, and Exxon, are more economically
powerful than Saudi Arabia, Poland, Norway, South Africa, Finland, Indonesia, and many
others. And, as protective trade-barriers are broken down, currencies tossed together
and manipulated in floating markets, and State economies overturned in favor of open
competition in global capitalism, the empire expands.

The World is being taken over by a hand-full of business powers who dominate the
natural resources we need to live, while controlling the money we need to obtain these
resources. The end result will be world monopoly based not on human life but financial
and corporate power. And, as the inequality grows, naturally, more and more people are
becoming desperate. So the establishment was forced to come up with a new way to
deal with anyone who challenges the system. So they gave birth to the 'Terrorist'.
The term 'terrorist' is an empty distinction designed for any person or group that
chooses to challenge the establishment. This isn't to be confused with the fictional 'Al
Qaida', which as actually the name of a computer database of the U.S.-supported
Mujahadeen in the 1980's.

In 2007, the Department of Defense received 161.8 billion dollars for the so-called global
war on terrorism. According to the national counter-terrorism center, in 2004 roughly
2000 people were killed internationally due to supposed terrorist acts. Of that number,
70 were American. Using this number as a general average, which is extremely
generous, it is interesting to note that twice as many people die from peanut allergies a
year than from terrorist acts. Concurrently, the leading cause of death in America is
coronary heart disease, killing roughly 450,000 each year. And in 2007, the
government's allocation of funds for research on this issue was about three billion
dollars. This means, that the US government, in 2007, spent 54 times the amount for
preventing terrorism, than it spent for preventing for the disease, which kills 6600 times
more people annually, than terrorism does.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

some bullshit

this entry is not going to be about a conspiracy like usual its going to be about a bullshit encounter with law enforcement i had this weekend i recently went to see my wonderful girlfriend and one of my friends from florida in a hotel in quakertown PA and my gf is 17 im 18 friend is 20 his gf is 17 and somehow people couldnt get ahold of one of them and friends gf's mom ended up calling the police to come to the hotel and get the two girls wich is fine and dandy so they arrive and take all our information no big deal im not trying to hide anything so they ask if they can search the room wich once again im not hideing anything so no worrys i tell them they can search away. so one of the officers goes to his patrol car to run our information and comes back in and tells me to stand up and put my head and hands on the wall and proceeds to go trough the motions of putting me into custody while informing me i have a warrent for my arrest and i asked if he had all my information correct wondering what the hell is going on so it turns out my court case in FLA wich was resolved and the docket closed on nov 9th 2010 STILL 4 MONTHS later have not canceled the warrent the put on me for lack of commnication between me and the court system so i was in custody for about 30min freezeing in the back of a patrol car....i was eventully released not b/c they found out my case was resolved...but b/c the warrent says to only expedite if in FLA and due to the fact i had  warrent from a drug charge they brought a k-9 unit into my hotel wich is totally embarssing and of course my gf had to watch me be placed into custody on a warrent i told her was long gone it was hard for more than just me and it almost landed me in jail......WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG HERE? the courts have NOTHING together and are a mess and next to useless.....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

plum island

id like to spend some time on something alot of people dont even know about rather than a major conspiracy its a little place about 70 sum miles off of long island new York about 120 miles from the mainland and its home to a government research facility thats been around since about 1954 its a typical cold war scenario WWII was over the fall of the Nazi empire blah blah blah well mother Russia and good ol U S of A were scooping up and many Nazi assets as they could get their hands on one such person was Erich Traub a nazi scientist whos MO was bio warfare and we packed him up shipped him over here and let him run wild he was very well known as the godfather of foot and mouth disease witch is a plague most commonly known to cows but can also be spread to humans with symptoms such as malaise, fever, vomiting, red ulcerative lesions (surface-eroding damaged spots) of the oral tissues, and sometimes vesicular lesions (small blisters) of the skin  sound fun? i didnt think so later on in postwar america the plum island research center was supposedly turned over to USDA for animal research testing on cattle disease how ever there have been someintresting things happening on that island that suggests that they are still conducting bio wepons research such as the mutilated bodys of various animals washing up on long island beaches ive included a few photos on actual shit that has washed up above as u will notice  and plz does any one mind telling WHAT THE FUCK THT SHIT IS? im not animals right guy but do u rly think our goverment shuld be doing this? and what happens what they move onto humans? what happens when they have a spill and we look like this? its your call people......

Saturday, January 29, 2011

9/11 pentagon the untold story

the hole fomr the "plane" hitting the pentagon 
now everyone knows about 9/11/2001 and i will cover some material on the twin towers at a later date but right now its time to focus on the story that did not garner as much media attention and that would be flight 77 from DC to LAX that was veered off its flight course and 8.56am and "crashed" into the pentagon at 9.36am now the "pilot" who supposedly crashed this plane into the pentagon was  hani hanjour he was limited in flight experience and was not a very good pilot but he is the one who according to the 9/11 commission crashed the Boeing 757 into the pentagon now a few things that are extreamly fishy about this are the fact that the flight path is almost imposable many many pilots have spoke out and recreated the scenario on flight simulators and it just cant be done at those speed the plane was said to be going in a excess of 500 knots(575MPH) which is already 20% over the handling limitations of a 757. the 2nd thing that doesn't add up is the fact that there is no video footage of this plane approaching the pentagon this is one of the worlds most secure buildings with many many many cameras and on the morning of 9/11 the pentagon reported they had 86 functional cameras so where is all that video footage? now anthor thing is if a plane crashed into the pentagon where are all the remains? no luggage...and certainly no body's...and most importend no black boxes....every airplane is equipped with a black recording box that is nearly indestructible and has been recovered from every airplane crash in aviation history right up until 9/ anthor thing id like to address is what a airplane is made out of and that is basically sheet metal theres not a whole lot of really hard materials on a plane and definitely not a lot of hard materials in the nose section yet somehow the nose section of flight 77 crashed all the way into the pentagons "C ring" wich is far far far further than any 757 should have ever been able to go now not to steer of course but in that "C ring" were the computers that held the financial data for the pentagon and just a few days before the attack one of the pentagons leaders announced that they could not account for 2.5 TRILLION dollars in missing defense budget money intresting that the "plane" crashed there huh? now anthor problem that doesnt add up is almost every plane is history to crash into a building makes a very distinct marking and that would be the two engine holes it leaves when it slams into said building now ive included a picture of the hole in the pentagon from said plane but i dont see any engine holes do you? i dont see any debree do you? and that looks like a nice clean hole doesnt it? almost like a BOMB NOT a PLANE and lemme show u this liunk this is real footage from the pentagon...    find me a fucking plane in that explosion i dare you to.....its not there....and thats how ill end this post.

BP oil spill

ok lets start with the BP oil spill now as we all kno this is one of the worst environmental disasters in history with millions upon millions of gallons of crude spewing into the gulf of mexico now lets take a look into what BP did and did not to....first off what is BP? it stands for british petrol....and they are one of the biggest crude oil companys in the world.....they got that a-rab money man.....anyways some major players in BP you shhould kno about are...
carl-henrich savenburg-chairman
byron grote-chief financial advisor
robert dudley-CEO

not those three fellows have almost all the power with various underlings doing thier dirty work one intresting thing is that rober dudley the CEO sold almost 1/3 of his stock 2 weeks before the spill....why would the CEO of a company sell 1/3 of his own shares???? makes no sense to moving on a little bit we all kno dick cheny who was VP under george dubya bush....anyways whats more inportend about dick in this case is his ownership of the company halliburton wich is the worlds largest offshore oil service company wich grossed 18.279 billion in 08 and employs over 50,000 people worldwide. now just a mere two days before the spill halliburton bought the USA'a biggest oil spill cleanup company for hundreds of millions of why would they do that?  the whole im saying is BP makes more prfot off a spill then they do off pure crude. and not to mention the rig that blew up was wwwaaaayyyyyy behind on service and it was well known it was fualty plus on almost every other major oil rig in the world there is a safetey device that can bypass the oil comeing up and due to BP lobbyist in washington they dont have to have one of those in there US operations. now i could carry on about this whole planned spill tons but whats done is done and the point being the way the handled the clean up is more dangerious than the whole damn spill......the chemical agent they used to break up the crude is called COREXIT wich is a toxic chemical used in alot of oil cleanup however the BP oil spill use dmore gallons of it then any other time in the world...theres two styles of COREXIT formula 9527 and 9500 ...9500 is the worst it was use din the exxon valdez oil spill and was shown to According to the Alaska Community Action on Toxics, the use of Corexit during the Exxon Valdez oil spill caused people "respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders" and both formulas are found to  cuase hemolyosis  (rupture of blood cells) and may also cause internal bleeding and heres some more A newer Corexit recipe dubbed the "9500 formula" containsdioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, a detergent chemical that's also found in laxatives. What do you suppose happens to the marine ecosystem when fish and sea turtles ingest this chemical through their gills...and more importantly, what do you think happens to the human beings who are working around this chemical, breathing in its fumes and touching it with their skin? thats just one of the cehmicals there was also found ot be aresnic in it as well the rest of the chemicals is your guess they amkers of it wont release a full list claiming to be a "trade secret" so thats all im guna ramble about u think what u want